I just completed this painting a few minutes ago and was so pleased with the results that I had to post it right away. I darkened the background a bit behind the leaves on the right-hand side to increase the contrast, I added veins to the leaves using a negative painting technique, and added veining to the rose petals using a very diluted brilliant red violet, though next time I would dilute it even further because I think the lines should be even paler than what’s shown here.
As I mentioned previously, this painting was based on a tutorial from Janet Whittle’s book, “Roses in Watercolour.” Since Ms. Whittle stressed that using the right type of paper was very important to achieving this type of background wash and I didn’t have the paper she recommended on hand (Arches 140 lb. Not paper), I practiced her wash technique on the four types of paper I had on hand–Fabriano Artistico Hot Pressed, Fabriano Artistico Cold Pressed, Canson Aquarelle/Acuarela Cold Pressed, and Aquarelle Arches Cold Pressed. It was a worthwhile experiment because the results varied widely with each type of paper, and the Aquarelle Arches Cold Pressed 140-lb. paper was the hands-down winner.
My palette consisted of Winsor Newton opera rose, aureolin, quinacridone gold, Winsor red, indanthrene blue, Winsor violet, and perylene maroon as well as Schmincke brilliant blue violet, May green, helio green, and brilliant red violet.
I will definitely be using this wash technique in the future as well as some of the other techniques I learned from this book. I highly recommend it.
One word. GORGEOUS!!
Thank you, mom.
Absolutely stunning!!
Thank you so much, Kelly.
Just gorgeous!
Thank you, Elena. Can’t wait to try this background wash technique again. I may go back and add it to some of my previous paintings, after a bit more practice so I can get consistent results.
Wow! Stunningly beautiful, delicate and gorgeous! You’re extremely talented!
Oh my goodness, thank you, Mary!
This is really beautiful, Jill! I love the addition of the little lines on the petals. Very beautiful!!!
Thank you, Berh. I had to practice making those fine lines on some scrap paper first. I used a size 00 round brush.
totally stunning!!!! these colours are just amazing!!!
and it’s a gorgeous painting!!
Thank you, Punky. Creating the background was fun.
Wow it’s amazing… and you were worried that it was going to be too wild. Silly mom.
Thank you, sweetness!
I am glad you’re pleased with the results of this piece. It looks marvelous. It was fun to hear about the various techniques and trials you ‘auditioned’ before attempting them on the actual piece – and comparing your meticulous preparation to my own approach to watercolor prep.
The veins on the rose petals looks good to me the way it is, but I could see how a subtler application would also be amazing. The important thing is that the lines themselves look delicate and self-assured; so they’ll look amazing no matter how dark or light!
Thank you for taking the time to give me detailed feedback on my work. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement.