Pink Miltonia Orchids in Watercolor by

Here’s a peek at my latest painting. I hope to finish it this evening. I’ve been so busy with spring cleaning and home improvement projects that I’ve had little time to paint. I have several interior decorating projects underway, porch and deck makeovers in progress, a massive yard cleanup, custom curtains to sew, and a few painting tasks to complete–some involving plenty of spray paint (you know how much I love spray paint). Oh, and lots of fun shopping with my mom. I can’t wait to finish all these projects and share the results with you.

I hope you’re enjoying the warm spring weather as much as I am.

10 Comments on Work in Progress–Pink Miltonia Orchids

  1. Oh my gosh, it sounds like you are being so productive with your Spring cleaning projects! I make plans for those things a lot but actually doing them is something else entirely. Especially when there’s so much art to do! The painting is looking terrific! I look forward to seeing those flowers in color.

    • It’s hard to find time to squeeze in all the projects I have to do (housework, laundry, grocery shopping, yard work) plus all the projects I want to do (art, interior design, gardening) on weekends. It’s even harder to find time for art during the week. I try to complete 1-2 paintings a week, but sometimes it’s impossible. I’m glad you like the painting. I tried a new technique for the leaves; it’s very easy and quick–a couple of strokes of green and yellow painted on wet leaves and then just let the paint and water do their thing. I don’t know that I’ll use this technique often, but it was very effective for this painting and a good one to keep in my toolkit.

    • I did massive amounts of yard work over the last two weekends and still have a bit more to go (I ran out of mulch–again), but hopefully I’ll be posting pictures of my spring garden next. I just need to wait until the light is best for photos. I’ve tried twice but the sun has been too harsh.

  2. Could you please tell me what kind of watercolors and paper you use?

    Your paintings are enchanting and have a look that I would like to achieve (just an newbie)

    Thank you,

    Carol Geary

  3. Hi Carol. I’ve been using Winsor Newton professional watercolors with some Schmincke watercolors mixed in. My daughter prefers Schmincke watercolors in general; I tend to choose Schmincke when I’m using purple because I find it difficult to achieve a smooth wash of color with purple and Schmincke seems to do a better job in that regard. I’ve tried many types of watercolor paper and finally settled on cold pressed 140 lb. Fabriano Artistico extra white watercolor blocks. Cold pressed watercolor paper has a rough surface that suits my style of painting very well. The rough surface allows me to control the brush and flow of paint on the surface better than smooth surface papers (hot pressed). It’s important to use the best quality paint and paper you can afford so you’ll achieve better results, which will help motivate you to keep on painting. I will be posting more detailed information on what tools I use in an upcoming post. Thanks for asking.

  4. Absolutely love the washed background and color choices. Really like the leaves as well. Think you should use that leaf technique more often! Good job once again, as always.

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