Author: Jill Krafsig

Weekend Chef: How to Make Eggplant Parmesan

In my last post, I showed you how to refashion zucchini into mock apple cobbler. In this post I’ll show you how to turn these beautiful eggplants into this amazing eggplant Parmesan.

Doesn’t this look delish? Here’s how I did it:

Eggplant Parmesan

2 medium eggplants, peeled and sliced into 1/4-inch rounds
2-3 eggs, beaten
Italian bread crumbs (I used Progresso)
1 12-oz package of sliced provolone cheese (I used Sargento)
Olive oil
Spicy roasted red pepper and sausage marinara sauce (recipe below)

Heat several tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy skillet. Dip the eggplant slices into the beaten eggs and dredge in the bread crumbs. Fry 3-4 slices at a time over medium heat. Cook several minutes on both sides until golden brown. Repeat with remaining eggplant slices. Replace the olive oil when the bits of bread crumbs on the bottom of the pan begin to burn (about every other batch). Drain eggplant on paper towels. To assemble the dish, spoon a thin layer of marinara sauce on the bottom of an 8-inch square baking dish, add a layer of eggplant, followed by more marinara sauce, and a layer of provolone cheese. Repeat layers until the dish is full (2-3 layers deep). Top with cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees until the cheese is golden brown and the edges are bubbling. Cool for 15-20 minutes before serving. Cut into squares.

Spicy Roasted Red Pepper and Sausage Marinara Sauce
(My own concoction–an easy and fabulous almost homemade sauce)

1 16-oz. roll of spicy Italian ground sausage (I used Bob Evans), browned and drained
1 26-oz. jar of spaghetti sauce (I used Prego)
1 15-oz. can of Manwich sauce (for a little extra zest)
1 12-oz. jar of roasted red peppers (pureed in a blender with their liquid)
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 onion, peeled and diced
1 green pepper, seeded and diced
A bunch of fresh basil, chopped (the more the merrier)
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon truffle oil
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan and simmer over medium heat. You can use this sauce when it’s heated through, but I prefer to simmer it slowly until the color deepens to a deep, rich red and the sauce almost scorches on the bottom of the pan. Watch it carefully, stirring often, to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Serve the eggplant Parmesan with a Caesar salad (mixed salad greens, shredded Parmesan Reggiano cheese, garlic croutons, diced ham, green peas, and Caesar dressing) and garlic bread or Texas toast.

Doesn’t this look amazing?

Give this a try and let me know what you think. Don’t cheat and use just a jar of store-bought spaghetti sauce. Take the extra time to doctor it up the way I did into a really delicious sauce. A good sauce really makes this dish. Enjoy!

What Does a Renegade Seamstress Do With a Zucchini?

She turns it into apple cobbler! That’s what Beth, the Renegade Seamstress did. If you haven’t visited Beth’s website before, be sure to check it out. You’re in for a real treat. Not only is Beth an expert at refashioning thrift store clothing into adorable outfits, she also shares step-by-step do-it-yourself instructions for each project, and other unique refashion tips, like turning zucchini into apple cobbler–she’s a regular renegade refashionista!

Zucchini cobbler may sound like a strange concoction, but after reading Beth’s post and her descriptions of her family’s rave reviews, curiosity got the best of me and my mom–and since we’d just bought zucchini at the farmer’s market–we decided to give it a try. And we loved it! My daughter did, too. It really does taste like apple cobbler. You have to taste it to believe it. Get the recipe here.

Here’s a picture of our zucchini cobbler hot from the oven.

And here’s a photo moments before I took my first bite.

And don’t forget to serve it with a steamy cup of coffee. Delish!

Pig Racing and Other Fun at the Fauquier County Fair

For those of us who live in a rural area, one of the highlights of summer is attending the local county fair. The Fauquier County fair is a fun-filled, four-day event. This year’s festivities included pig racing, dairy cow and goat shows, a chicken parade, a 4H dog demonstration, a pizza eating contest, cake walks, watermelon seed spitting and pie eating contests, lawn mower and tractor pulls, corn shucking contests, rodeo shows, an apple pie contest, horse shows, and much more.

My daughter and I had a great time riding the amusement rides, watching the events, viewing the contest entries, and eating deliciously unhealthy fair food. Here are a few pictures of our fun-filled day.

For more information on the Fauquier County Fair and the upcoming Fall Harvest Fest on Labor Day weekend, visit the Fauquier County Fair website.

Bealeton Flying Circus

(Photo courtesy of the Bealeton Flying Circus.) This weekend the Bealeton Flying Circus hosted its annual hot air balloon show. Hot air balloons cannot fly in windy conditions so balloon activities typically take place in the early morning (7:00 – 9:00 am) and late afternoon (6:00 – 8:00 pm), when the air is calm. It’s a fun and colorful event the whole family can enjoy.

This year I was able to enjoy the evening show from the comfort of my deck (my dog, Piggy, alerted me to the event with some fierce barking at the balloons passing by my kitchen window–what a good boy!) The setting sun made photographing the show a bit tricky but I thought I’d share the best of the lot with you anyway. Note the spotter planes in all the shots. Apparently they are there for safety purposes, since every balloon had a spotter plane.

Hot air balloon rides last 1-2 hours and, the last time I checked, cost ~ $400.00. I’m way too chicken to take a ride, but my sister has been wanting to try it for the last several years. I’m more than happy to photograph her taking a hot air balloon ride from the safety of the ground. For more information on the Bealeton Flying Circus, its live airshows, annual hot air balloon festival, or hot air balloon rides, visit their website at Here are some shots I took.

You can even see the folks in the basket in this photo!

Note the orange glow from the fire….

And the last photo taken in the setting sun. I love small town life.

Purple Fairy in Watercolors

purple fairy in watercolor

My niece asked me to paint another fantasy illustration, so this one’s for you Jenny. This painting is based on a tutorial from “How to Draw and Paint Fairyland,” by Linda Ravenscoft. My palette consisted of alizarin crimson, opera rose, new gamboge, naples yellow, and raw umber from Winsor Newton; brilliant red violet and may green from Schmincke (I’m really loving this brand of paint); and jaune brilliant no. 2 from Holbein (this makes great skin tones).

Here’s a close up of her face (I like how you can see the texture of the paper in this shot):

And here’s a shot with the natural, late afternoon light in my studio (I like this one best):

Parrot Tulips in Watercolor

parrot tulips in watercolor

This painting is based on a tutorial from the book, “Tulips in Watercolor,” by Fiona Peart. I’m really loving the intensity of the colors in this painting. I only have two more paintings to go, and then I’ll have worked my way through the entire book. Watercolors on cold pressed Acquarello Artistico paper by Fabriano.

The Painted Ladies of Remmington, Virginia

Just one block over from Main Street in Remmington, Virginia there is a small collection of lovingly restored Victorian homes–or painted ladies as they’re affectionately known. How fabulous is this color scheme? This homeowner has absolutely no fear of color. I like him or her already.

Here’s a side view of the same house. If this were my house, I’d prune the trees and bushes for a more “in-your-face” view of the home. I’d want everybody to notice the fabulous colors without having to discover it in bits and pieces.

A view of the side porch. It has two doors, for those who require variety 🙂

And look at the lovely fretwork on this porch and the white picket fence. What’s not to like?

This one is not a painted lady, but I thought it had old-fashioned charm nonetheless.

Talk about a color lover’s dream home. Check out the rainbow colored shingles on the eaves. I love the green and purple paint scheme. The whole block is shouting “no beize zone.”

How about a rainbow arbor to go along with those rainbow shingles? Brilliant!

A close up view of the porch.

Check out that gargoyle. I hope it has been properly secured up there.

The house next door is also being restored. The restoration work is beautiful, but apparently the owners didn’t read the “no beige zone” sign. Hopefully, they will turn this beauty into another grand painted lady. These homes were never meant for folks who are color shy. Come on, guys, get with the program! Pick a color, any color–except beige.

A Tour of Main Street in Remmington, Virginia

And speaking of Remmington, Virginia, I thought I’d give you a brief tour of Main Street, which consists of a one-block area. So this will truly be a brief tour!

I’ll start the tour with the Remmington Variety store. As the sign says, they sell “absolute beta products,” whatever they are–LOL. Business was brisk during our tour.

And this is Groves Hardware Store. It almost looks like a painting instead of a real brick-and-mortar store. I think it’s post-card worthy.

The train station and railway crossing.

The Embry-Maupin building built in 1903, which is currently vacant. Look at those architectural details. It’s such a lovely building; I hope to see it in use again soon.

Military presence in Remmington. I don’t know why that amused me so, but it did.

The Remmington Laundry Mat and Remmington Drug Company. I haven’t seen a working laundry mat in years.

We stopped by the Remmington Pharmacy to pick up a prescription–for my dog. It’s a compounding pharmacy and fills canine prescriptions, too.

We were greeted at the door by Peanut, the pharmacy dog.

I wish I could bring my dogs to work with me.

And they even have a working soda fountain. A working soda fountain AND a pharmacy dog?  All I can say is “yowza,” I want to work there. And that ends our brief tour of Main Street.

The Farmer’s Wife Shop in Remmington, Virginia

The next stop on our Saturday morning shopping outing was the Farmer’s Wife–a small Amish market in Remmington, Virginia. I love living in a rural area where the next town is, oh, about a minute down the road.

This shop offers lots of old-fashioned goodies, farm-fresh dairy products and fruits and vegetables, home-made breads and pies, a variety of interesting canned goods, and unique bulk items.

Mom browsing the aisles.

Fresh butter from local dairy farmers and Amish roll butter.

Fresh tomatoes.

And locally grown corn on the cob.

A peek inside my mom’s shopping basket. Even the shopping baskets are quaint.

A variety of jams and jellies.

Including old-fashioned F-R-O-G jam. I haven’t tried that yet, but I’m sure my curiosity will get the best of me.

And mini peach pies. One of those went into my basket. I should have bought two; boy was that good.

You can also order lunch at the deli counter and enjoy it at one of these brightly colored tables.

Another view of the dining area. Isn’t it delightful?

And when you’re done shopping, they ring you up at the front counter. How charming. The next time you have some grocery shopping to do, why not check out the small mom and pop shops in your area? They sure beat the big box stores and they turn the weekly chore of grocery shopping into delightfully fun outings.

Going Hog Wild at the Farmer’s Market

One of my favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is to visit the Honey Hog Barbeque stand at my local farmer’s market to load up on barbequed chicken, Italian sausages with onions and peppers, pulled pork, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, and home-made desserts to serve for quick and delicious lunches or dinners during the week. What a time saver for me. Farmer’s markets are not only good places to pick up delicious meals and healthy fruits and vegetables for my family, they also offer an opportunity to learn about what’s happening in my community, socialize, and make new friends.

The Honey Hog Barbeque stand is owned and operated by Theresa and Jerry from Andralyn Farm in Bealeton, Virginia. I can’t get enough of Theresa’s homemade treats. Her honey pound cake and mini pineapple upside down cakes are particular favorites of mine. And not only is Jerry a master chef, but he’s also a beekeeper as well–hence the name Honey Hog and the inclusion of honey in nearly everything they make. For more information on the Bealeton Farmer’s Market, Honey Hog Barbeque, or beekeeping, visit Theresa and Jerry’s website.

Honey and bee pollen fresh from Andralyn Farm.

Theresa ringing up my order.

Miss Theresa. Isn’t she lovely?

If you look really hard, you can see my friend, Jerry, there in the window.

This guy found himself a good seat on a cooler and chowed down on his Honey Hog lunch. Hot eats and a cool seat–LOL!

And here’s a picture of the Willow Farm of Midland, Virginia fruit and vegetable stand. My mom and I buy fresh fruits and vegetables here every Saturday. Tomatoes are my mom’s favorite summer time treat. She even eats them for breakfast!

And here’s my mom squeezing “maters.” Isn’t she beautiful? Note the big bandage on the end of her nose–LOL! Sorry, mom, I just couldn’t resist pointing that out….

We always have a great time at the farmer’s market. If you’ve never visited a farmer’s market in your area, what are you waiting for? Get out there and grab some good eats before summer is over.

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