I went to the farmer’s market this morning and followed that up with a visit to a quaint Amish store called The Farmer’s Wife plus a quick stop at a local Mexican shop called Cinco de Mayo to pick up some goodies to get us through the week. I love living in a small, rural area. Everyone calls me by name when I enter their shops and we chat for a few minutes and catch up on what’s going on around town.
I spent the remainder of the afternoon working on a new painting but had to stop at sunset when the shadows got so intense that it was difficult to see my sketch on the paper. That’s normally the time when I grab my camera and snap a few pictures to post on my blog. I love how vibrant the colors look in the strong afternoon light.
I hope you did something equally relaxing and enjoyable this weekend. Watercolors on cold pressed Acquarello Artistico paper by Fabriano.
beautiful start! And thanks for viewing my blog.
Thanks SmallTownDad. And thanks for introducing me to Paint My Photo. I love your blog.
I love what you’ve done so far on this piece! The colors a brilliant. Having perused your blog, it appears your watercolor skills are developing very rapidly. Keep it up. Also, the variety of subject matter you cover on this blog is a lot of fun.
Thank you, Gabriel. Your comments and encouragement are much appreciated.
Wonderful start, looking forward to the finish.